RFP for Business Planning Services

Today IGIC is releasing an RFP for consulting services to help us develop the business plan. This request will be open to anyone, including individuals, private service firms, academic departments, or other experienced organizations. We hope to have the business plan ready in time for next year’s budget cycle. We will also need help from the GIS community, especially developing the IGI vision, function, costs and benefits. If you want to participate or have questions about the CAP project or the IGI, please contact me. If you know someone who may be interested in the RFP, please forward it to them. The RFP closes on June 11, 2007.


Last March the Iowa Geographic Information Council received a CAP grant from the Federal Geographic Data Committee to help produce a business plan for a statewide spatial data infrastructure (SSDI). We are calling this the Iowa Geospatial Infrastructure, or IGI for short. The IGI will be Iowa’s contribution to the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). During the next several months we will work with a consultant to construct this business plan. We will, as a group, try to envision what we want the IGI to look like, what its function will be, what it will cost to build and what tangible outcomes it will create for Iowa. The business plan will contain a financial analysis of IGI costs and benefits, such as return on investment. We will use this information when we talk to decision makers about funding future GIS development activities in Iowa. The IGI will not only focus efforts at making a seamless GIS database that is readily available, especially during emergencies, but it will create an application framework for services that will benefit the entire Iowa geospatial community. This plan will try to address the needs of both existing GIS investments as well places or programs that have yet to build a GIS program. This plan will address potential sources of long-term funding for the IGI.


Jim Giglierano, IGIC CAP grant coordinator
Iowa DNR/Geological Survey
109 Trowbridge Hall
Iowa City, IA 52242-1319

Tel: 319-335-1594
Email: james.giglierano@dnr.iowa.gov

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