IGIC Lunch & Learn: Using ArcGIS with LiDAR
Join your fellow IGIC members for the October 2021 Lunch & Learn: Using ArcGIS with LiDAR

Arthur Crawford, Esri, will cover using your lidar with classification (Ground, Buildings, Vegetation, and Power Lines) to be able to derive products like DTM and DSM using the 3D Basemap Solution. He’ll show examples and talk about generating Contours, Spot Elevations, Hillshades, Colorized Point Clouds, 3D Tree Extraction, 3D Building Extraction and Power Lines/Poles that all can published to web scenes for easy access in ArcGIS Pro and online.
He’ll also discuss presenting using ArcGIS with Lidar. Describe preprocessing your lidar with classification (Ground, Buildings, Vegetation, and Power Lines) to be able to derive products. He’ll show examples and talk about Contours, Spot Elevations, Hillshades, Colorized Point Clouds, Tree Extraction with height and crown diameter, Building Extraction and Power Lines/Poles that all can published to the web in a scene for easy access.
Arthur is a Virginia Tech alum, served as an US Army Geospatial Engineer and a Esri Sr. Product Engineer for the Living Atlas Content Team (3D data content/tools), he had also supported NGA.
Want to get a preview of the LiDAR possibilities?
Follow the links below to explore applications and products derived from LiDAR and available using ArcGIS Online.
St. Louis Area 1
St. Louis Area 2
State of Connecticut 3D Lidar Viewer
Join our online Lunch & Learn: ArcGIS with LiDAR on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at noon.
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