IGI and Related GIS Activities – Status Jan. 20, 2010

Completed Projects

  • Stewardship of Structures and Transportation layers – 2008 $50k FGDC CAP Grant – web update tool for structures database completed at ISU – includes DOT LRS transportation base map product and building footprints from lidar – final report sent in December
    • address points for 3 counties in review – Story, Osceola and Decatur
    • DOT transportation base map GIS layers will be available soon

Ongoing Projects

  • Statewide Lidar Project – 47k sq miles collected out of 57k – new deliveries started in Sept, continuing to QC/QA raw products – processing status in January 2010
  • 2009 2’ 4-band Orthos for Western Iowa – imagery collected in March 2009, delivered in Sept/Oct. – available on the NRGIS Library
    • Dan Corbin, Inc. contracted to provide horizontal accuracy assessment
  • Iowa County Engineer Association Service Bureau is rebuilding the control point server (county GPS monuments and NGS control markers) – Jon Lubke is collecting control point data from county engineers for inclusion on server
  • Geocoding Project – to create address points for 30-50 counties using $650k from pooled technology fund – develop business plan in January 2010
    • address points for 3 counties in review – Story, Decatur and Osceola
    • 2′ contours being created as by-product of building footprint extraction – Lyon, Sioux, Osceola, Page, Adams, Taylor, Decatur, Clarke, Poweshiek, Iowa, Winneshiek and Allamakee.
    • ISU GIS is setting up an ftp distribution point for IGI files – will include orthos in state plane from the 2′ statewide project, 2′ contours and other data
  • 2010 2’ 4-band Orthos – full funding appropriated by the legislature this year for completion of state in spring 2010 – about four counties are buying up this year

New IGI Projects – no external funding

  • High-resolution land cover for state – 1 meter from NAIP, leaf-off, lidar and other input layers – IGWS working on Lyon and Osceola Counties with 2007 NAIP data, 2′ orthos and lidar – there may be some funding from a DNR habitat mapping effort in the near future

IGI Outreach

  • ROI presentation to MAGIC senior executive session April 18-22, 2010 Kansas City

Related GIS Projects

  • 2009 NAIP was flown again this year with federal stimulus funding – 1 m color – compressed MrSID county products delivered in November, available on NRGIS Library
  • Floodplain Mapping – $15M to complete floodplain maps for the state – should create hydro-enforced DEMs, contours and hydrography layers as well as approximate DFIRMs for all Iowa counties – two staff persons hired, program manager and GIS analyst– pilot project with Iowa Flood Center for floodplain models for Poweshiek County
  • ARRA Broadband Mapping – Iowa Utility Board contracted with Connected Nation to map broadband availability in Iowa – Data delivered in March 2010, basically census block group level info
  • Iowa state agency projects – assistance to IDPS Fusion Center and State Police dispatch software upgrade, with data and web services from DOT, DNR and HLSEM.
  • Statewide parcel GIS data layer – Ray Willis of Polk County is developing a pilot data set of parcels using FGDC core standard, to be distributed on the ICIT Data Repository
  • ICIT Data Repository revamped
  • DNR completed this summer the 1950’s historical aerial photography layer for the state. Both 1950s and 1930s are available on the ISU Ortho server or NRGIS Library. Currently working on scanning and orthorectifying the 1960’s data set.

Pending Projects

  • Pooled Technology Application for 2 FTEs for 2 years to run a state GIS service bureau – rated 3rd out of all PT projects, funding has to be allocated by legislature this spring for July 2010 start
  • USGS/ARRA proposal for orthos – basically help fund local 1′ upgrades during 2010/2011 ortho project – PROPOSAL REJECTED Jan 17, 2010
  • 2010 CAP Grant application, new category for ROI – IGI ROI study of a public private partnership to build and maintain the IGI, called Iowa One Map – will include data from cities, COGs and utilities – emphasis on economic development – sent in Jan 7 2010
  • 2010 NAIP – will additional federal funding become available for 1 m color? Can Iowa get together additional $91k for 4th infrared band?

Possible Future Projects

  • Collaboration on The National Map data layers and GeoPDFs for Iowa – TNM will work on Iowa during 2010
  • Collaborate more with County Engineer Service Bureau to help county engineers use lidar elevation data
  • Crowdsourcing event in Spring 2010?

Projects looking for funding

  • Hydrography – NHD conflation on lidar-derived stream network from floodplain work – working with Iowa Flood Center and ISU Ag Engineering on procedures for extracting stream linework from lidar DEMs.
  • Geocoding Phase 2 – address points for 50 or so remaining counties, apply for PT funding in July 2010, for July 2011 project continuation
  • County GIS Service Bureau – 4 FTEs requiring about $300k per year of ongoing funding

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