Debbie Stevens – William Penn University (Education)

I became involved in GPS, then GIS and the world of mapping while working with schools and extension in school to work. I eventually earned a Masters degree in Curriculum & Instruction and started teaching GIS at both William Penn University and Indian Hills Community College - both in 2009. I have worked with the National 4H GPS/GIS Tech Team since 2006 and am in awe of how these youth and college students have no fear in 'clicking' on any button dealing with technology as well as in their creative skills. I have also taken GIS, twice, to a university in Rwanda, where I was able to teach for two weeks each time. Working with other professionals in GIS, I hope to continue teaching GIS a while longer, and provide training for K-12 teachers and students to get them engaged in a technology that can be used virtually in any discipline or industry. I want to share the art and science of cartography.