2024 IGIC Board Election Nominees

Iowa Geographic Information Council Board members shall represent IGIC interest sectors. Seats will be designated for specific sectors in the following manner with the top vote getters filling their respective sector positions and the next 10 vote getters overall filling the at-large positions:

2 - Private sector
1 - Regional organizations
2 - Municipal governments
3 - County governments
3 - State of Iowa
1 - U.S. Federal government agencies
3 - Education sector (defined as University, College, Community College, and K-12 education)
10 - at-large (open to any IGIC member in good standing regardless of sector of affiliation)

The current chair and vice-chair positions are guaranteed to be on the Board for the next cycle. This means that there will only be 2 county slots (Niccole Schippers, Marion County) and 1 municipal slot (Greg Jameson, City of Grimes) voted upon.

Vote here for the next IGIC Board: https://forms.gle/VDkbcNwMaadtv7Bt6