IGIC Committee Charters

Over the last six months, the IGIC Executive Committee and the individual IGIC Committee Chairs have worked to draft the following committee charter documents.

Each of the committees have a draft document that is available for review and comment. Each follow the same template and have looked to pull out information that is specific to the individual committees so that committee chairs can have a better idea of the direction and purpose for their respective committees. Also, it is hoped that people like you can get a better understanding of what the committees are in existence for, what they’re working towards and make it generally easier to get some interest and input into IGIC.

The next step after adoption of each of the Committee charter documents by the IGIC Board would the creation by each committee of an annual workplan that addresses the objectives outlined in the committee charter document and the IGIC strategic plan. It is anticipated that the committee charters will be formally reviewed every two years.

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