IGI Progress Report – 12/30/08

  1. 2007 CAP Grant completed and sent in Sept 30 – good comments back from FGDC
  2. 2008 CAP Grant – Building Stewardship Capacity for Structures and Transportation
    • footprint web update tool progressing – using 2006 Des Moines lidar as test data
    • no progress on production of structures from lidar
    • need to work on list of attributes for transportation data – project team and road data stakeholders
    • DOT working on WMS and WFS for delivering transportation data services to all users – due soon
  3. Statewide 2′ leaf-off 4-band ortho-imagery
    • creating mosaics of 17 NW counties
    • Aerial Services selected as contractor for spring 2009 and 2010 flights – see map below
    • Funding for 2010 flights in eastern part of state in jeopardy due to flood recovery and economic downturn
  4. Geocoding Project – create address points for 30-50 counties, with address validation and geocoding web services – DNR project team
    • proposal rated #3 by IT heads – funding in jeopardy due to flood recovery and budget shortfalls
  5. County GIS service bureau pilot project
    • LGIF Proposal delivered on Oct 31 – waiting for results from LGIF board
    • proposal says to basically hire 2 people for 2 years to get county GIS data into ICIT repository, create metadata data, plus make available state data layers to counties, like lidar contours, etc.
  6. IGI Outreach
    • Need to prepare demo for legislature to justify pooled tech projects, test demo in December, deliver in Jan/Feb, 3-4 minutes in length – Jon Paoli lead
    • Jim talked to Iowa County Engineers GIS Committee, Dec 4 – follow up meeting set up for Jan 16 in Des Moines
  7. Iowa 2008 Flood Return on Investment Project 
    • MAS has interviewed 30 persons about their flood experiences in 2008
  8. State Agency GIS Group
    • met Oct 30 at SEOC in Johnston
    • forming executive or steering committee with one POC at each agency
  9. Hi-resolution land cover
    • land cover producers met in Iowa City, Nov 24 – discussed what we have so far in the way of production techniques: UNI, UI, ISU and DNR
    • next meeting to be at the end of March 2009
  10. Lidar Production
    • continues: contact Chris Kahle (chris.kahle@dnr.iowa.gov) for specifics
  11. Hydrography Production
    • DES delivered local resolution NHD for 27 HUC12s for pilot project – DNR checking over

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